8. South to Querétaro

For some reason that I can’t explain, I want to move rapidly through Mexico. I could have spent a day seeing Monterrey, but some inner urgency made me check out of the hotel and walk back over to the bus terminal. I caught a glimpse of some impressive spiky mountains rising up the south east, but even that wasn’t enough to stop me buying a ticket to Mexico City and, after a breakfast of tacos, boarding the next bus southwards.

Perhaps my reluctance to stay in one place too long is due to a fear of the loneliness that will inevitably sneak up and pounce on me, if I don’t keep ahead of it…

The bus ride was scenic for the first 100 km, but then was flat arid plains. I started reading my guidebook and noticed that the recommended city of Querétaro was on my route, about 3/4 of the way to Mexico City. The bus was due to stop there, so I decided to change plans, by jumping off the bus early to spend a night there.

Wandering into Querétaro centre, many hotels said they were full, but eventually I found a dive with a shared bathroom. I wandered around the city centre, had a lonely meal in a restaurant, then went back for an early night. I tried my little radio out, and to my joy and relief I could still pick up the BBC, the signal bouncing to me reliably and magically off the ionosphere, from Daventry in the UK.

In the morning a spicy breakfast of torta (a sandwich) gave me the energy and motivation to go and investigate the city’s interesting history museum. My itchy feet then marched me back to the hotel, to check out and head south once more – my wanderlust satisfied by managing to get on a bus within 2 minutes of arriving at the terminal.


  1. Lynnette

    You are so right! I have traveled alone. It’s not all bad, but like you, I keep moving. Too much alone time reminds you of the reality?!? ??

  2. Alana McKee

    “Lonely dinner at a restaurant”?! Welcome to traveling alone! I found it to be super difficult and awkward at the beginning of my trip then slowly got used to it. Mine was also before smart phones so I couldn’t mindlessly play with my phone while waiting for the food.

    1. I always took my budget travel guide book when going to eat alone – dual function: entertainment, and also something to mark me as a backpacker (and help break the ice) if there were other travellers around…

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