80. Sydney Part 3

Sunday 24th March started late, with a tasty English breakfast, after which I wrote a letter to my friend Alex to confirm that her sister and brother-in-law were looking after me very well..!

After lunch we all went off to a wildlife park which serves as a sanctuary for koalas. There were also emus, and some rather tame kangaroos hopping around, which we could walk right up to without them apparently getting upset. I’m glad that setting my eyes on the most famous Australian animals can now be ticked off the list. I still need to see a duck billed platypus, however…

After heading to the coast, and visiting a promontory where an outdoor wedding was taking place, we headed back to the house. The wine flowed, and after dinner we played a dice game called Yahtzee, to which Rick and Liz are clearly addicted. I did manage to win one game however…

On Monday 25th March, Rick and Liz went off early as usual, and late morning I headed into Sydney centre to drop some films off for developing. While they were being processed I investigated the Australia Museum which had a lot of exhibits about the indigenous peoples and their culture as well as general information about the country. This museum, and the natural history and maps, brings it home how vast this country is, and how incredibly sparsely populated.

I picked up my films, and found that the latest film looked fine. Relieved that my new camera is apparently working OK, I got an express bus back to Church Point. In the evening we all played Yahtzee again, but this time the game was interrupted by a scratching noise at the front door. A possum had walked up into the porch and apparently wanted to come through the door and join in the fun.

Tuesday 26th I headed into Sydney early with Liz and Rick. Liz normally starts work later than Rick, and she had time to join me for a coffee and sandwich. Though I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the hospitality and homely comforts of Church Point, I’d already decided that this would be my last full day in Sydney, and that it is time to head north. So from the coffee shop I went to investigate air tickets to Queensland. The travel agent sold me a ticket on East/West airlines to the town of Proserpine, near the recommended destination of Airlie Beach.

With my new air ticket in my pocket, my feet were suddenly feeling itchy for new horizons. I went to Circular Quay for the last time to catch the ferry to Manly.

A slow bus got me from Manly to Church Point, where I spend the rest of the afternoon letter writing and I also packed up the developed films for shipment along with some New Zealand souvenirs.

A final few games of Yahtzee followed dinner, and I settled down for my last night in New South Wales.

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