41. The Market at Betanzos

After wandering down the road to have breakfast served by the same cheerful young lady as the previous evening, I explored the market. It was a great people-watching experience. There were no other travellers, and I felt a little conspicuous. There was plenty to take pictures of, and I must have taken over 25 sneaky candid photos without once lifting the camera to my eye.

The people looked as “Andean” as in La Paz, but the clothes were different, with perhaps less standardisation. In particular the bowler hats (that are typical of La Paz) were barely in evidence, with hats more like Stetsons being the norm, with some closer to top hats…

I certainly had an advantage having a camera which can be almost hidden in my hands. I attempted to aim “by feel”, without looking down, and then wait for the people in front of me to take an interesting or typical pose. The shutter is also very quiet. Very few people seemed to be aware that I was taking photos.

Finally in the late morning I’d had enough of the market, and caught a small bus (micro) to Potosí. It took 90 minutes and involved gaining 700 m of extra height to reach 4000m (13,200 feet) – Potosí is even higher than La Paz! After a rather long walk to find the Hotel Central, and checking in, I found a cheap lunch nearby. I enquired at the travel information office about the long and all-important onward route over the wilds of the altiplano to Uyuni, and was told that there isn’t really a bus, but that transport can be arranged. I then took it easy – breathing was again a challenge.

On the south side of the city is an unusual looking hill. Potosi’s claim to fame is that the silver output from this hill – called Cerro Rico (rich hill) – kept the Spanish empire funded for many decades, a few centuries ago. I plan to visit it tomorrow – apparently there are tours inside the mine, to see actual miners working… they are still digging holes in this hill…


  1. Peter Burrows

    Some great photos there.

  2. Cherry

    Wonderful photos capturing the atmosphere of the market and the people!

  3. Ángela

    volví a ésta publicación porque no quería dejar de felicitarte por las fotos del mercado y su gente, todas maravillosas!!! se podía imaginar una historia en cada una de ellas, capturaste la esencia del lugar, las expresiones de la gente, los colores, el ritmo, la composición y la espontaneidad!!! me encantó!!!!

  4. ASM

    There you are sneaking pictures of people again ?. But seriously, some of the best pics I’ve seen so far.

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